Synchronizing and Balancing Your Left & Right Brain Hemispheres
Deep meditation offers your nervous system a super fertile atmosphere, triggering enormously positive transformations in your body and brain.
Just as higher levels of exercise force your body to strengthen and develop, the higher levels of deep neurostimulation and brain entrainment provided through meditation forces your nervous system into optimal performance.
Unlock Your Brain’s Limitless Potential
Illustration: Brainwave Synchronization-Before & After-Normal Person-After 15 Minutes-After 25 Minutes
Unbalanced, unhealthy brain wave patterns. Prone to anxiety, depression, bad habits.
Meditation can balance both brain hemispheres, alowing them to work in sync. What is the result? Neuro- communication of thoughts & responses multiply, resulting in a better performing, more integrated system, optimizing both mental & emotional health.
Your entire nervous system and brain are transformed and reorganized on a higher level. A foundation of new neural pathways is constructed.
Your left and right brain hemispheres communicate to a degree never seen before, producing what doctors call whole brain functioning.
And, of course, there's all the wonderful benefits that we discussed earlier. Science really has only just discovered the tip of the iceberg in relation to this powerful, life-changing mind-tool.
Benefits Of Balancing Your Left & Right Brain
Your brain has two hemispheres, left & right:
Left hemisphere thinking: Generally more sequential, linear, logical, practical, mathematical, analytical, scientific, and time-oriented.
Right hemisphere thinking: More non-linear, intuitive, abstract, big-picture focused, creative, and space-oriented.
Most people use one hemisphere more than the other, creating an imbalance.
Numerous electroencephalograph (EEG) studies have shown that humanity's greatest philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and artists use both brain hemispheres together, in unison.
Meditation works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony. Scientists call this "whole brain synchronization" and when achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry.
The Benefits Of Hemispheric Synchronization Are Profound
During meditation, the grand central station-like cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the corpus callosum — becomes deeply stimulated, much like a joggers legs on a long run.
Due to the brain's recently discovered, incredibly significant "neuroplastic" nature, meditation's brain entrainment enables this bridge-like structure, in addition to other inner brain circuitry like the feel-good prefrontal-cortex, to strengthen and grow.
What does this mean for you? Your mind will become more awakened, focused, deep, more powerful yet peaceful. By integrating both hemispheres of your brain and allowing them to work in sync, you will experience an increase in overall mental health, enhancing cognitive performance, better memory and intellectual functioning.
You will begin to notice a limitless supply of insightful thoughts, with far less anger, anxiety, depression, and fewer bad habits. You will be happier, more optimistic, while feeling more "at one" with the world. All of these benefits do build one on top of the other, accumulating over time.
Tap Into a Deeper Level of Insight, Intelligence & Creativity
Meditation just might be the key to unlocking your untapped, limitless potential. Perhaps you were supposed to become the next Beethoven, Einstein, or Da Vinci?
While it's possible you may not end up a genius, you just might! The only way you'll know for sure is if you give meditation a try. Although we have no idea of knowing what level of higher brain function you'll reach, we do know that people who practice meditation regularly routinely tap into a whole range of extraordinary abilities they never knew they had.

Right Brain Traits
• Huge Potential
• Sees Big Picture
• Intuitive
• Philosophical
• Spiritual
• Creative
• Musical
• Imaginative
• Uses Feel
• Artistic
• Sees Meaning
• Appreciates Life
• Adventurous
• Carefree
• Symbols & Images
• Spatial Perception
• Sees Possibilities
Left Brain Traits
• Good At Math
• Detail Oriented
• Science Skills
• Ruled By Facts
• Reality Based
• Objective
• Analytical
• Logic
• Reason
• Sequential
• Practical
• Strategic
• Loves Order
• Finds Patterns
• Safe & Cautious
• Written Language
• Spoken Language